Accessible to Admin, Account Admin, HR Partner, and Recruiter. 

If you think that a candidate is no longer relevant for a particular job, you can delete them from the list of applicants for that job. You can restore them later or delete them forever based on your requirements. 


Deleting a candidate's profile

1. Go to Recruitment > Recruit and select the relevant job.

2. Identify the relevant line item for the candidate profile that you want to delete

3. Click on the hamburger icon in the last column of the list and select Delete from the list of options.

4. You will have a pop-up come on the screen to confirm the deletion. Once you hit delete, the candidate profile will go to the trash bin.

Deleting a candidate's profile permanently

1. Once you have deleted a candidate profile you can still find it on the Freshteam database as a deleted candidate.

2. You can find the candidate profile in the Recruit > Candidates tab.

3. Click on the candidate line item to open the candidate 360 profile. You will find the Delete Forever option here.

4. Once you click on Delete Forever, all data and traces of the candidate will be removed.

Restoring a candidate's profile

1. Go to Filter inside candidate listchoose Yes under the Is the Candidate deleted? option to find the list of deleted candidates. 

2. You can directly click Restore from the candidate's 360 page and get the candidate restored to the specific job ( previous state ). 

Note: You cannot restore a candidate deleted forever, you can only restore a candidate who is just deleted.

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