Accessible to Account Admin, Admin, HR Partner, Limited HR Partner, Recruiter and Limited Recruiter.

When you upload a resume to Freshteam, it automatically scans the resume, parses it and uses the data it interprets to pre-populate the candidate's Candidate 360 profile tab.

Note: You can even use the search bar to search for the parsed data.

Summary Tab

The summary tab has 5 segments -

  • Feedback Snapshot - This segment includes a summary of the feedback from the hiring panel on the candidate.
  • Experience - This section showcases the experience of the candidate across different previous organizations.
  • Source - This section captures the information about how did the candidate apply to your organization, who referred them and what was the source.
  • Tags - This is a list of tags added by the recruiter or hiring manager and the job posting they've applied for. One can add tag profiles by clicking on the '+' icon to the right of the tags list.
  • Documents - This segment includes a list of documents uploaded by the candidate
  • Custom application form dataIn case you have added a custom application form, all the custom data that you've collected will be available here.

Profile Tab

The profile tab has 3 sub-tabs - 

  • Documents - This tab shows the documents uploaded by the candidate during application including resume and/ or cover letter.
  • Application Data - This tab includes personal information such as an address, email, gender, and phone number.
  • Resume Data  - An information digest from the candidate's resume, which gives the top essential insights viz. experience, previous employer, education, skills and expertise.

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