The Talent Pool in Freshteam allows you to store your candidates so that they can be pursued for future opportunities. However, as per GDPR guidelines, it is not advisable to store data of inactive candidates (candidates who are not being pursued for a current job position) in your system without taking their consent. 

Requesting GDPR consent from candidates

You can request GDPR consent from talent pool candidates in an easy manner. Here are the steps:

  • Go to Recruitment > Recruit from the left menu in the dashboard.

  • Click on the Talent Pool tab. 

  • Click on the candidate name to whom you want to send the consent request. This will open the candidate profile. 

  • Click on the three dots at the top left to open the menu. 

  • Click on the Request GDPR consent option.

  • This will open up a modal with an email template to request GDPR consent. You can tweak the content as per your judgment.

  • Click on the Preview button to review the precise content. It would also have a button for candidates to Provide or Deny consent. 

  • Click on the Send button to send the email.

You can also send consent requests to multiple candidates in bulk. Here are the steps: 

  • Go to Recruitment > Recruit from the left menu in the dashboard.
  • Click on the Talent Pool tab. 
  • Select the candidate to whom you want to send the consent requests. 
  • Click on the three dots in the top bar to open up the menu of actions. 
  • Click on the Request GDPR consent option.

  • This will open up a modal with an email template to request GDPR consent. You can tweak the content and send the email to the candidates. The sent email would have a button for candidates to Provide or Deny consent. 

NOTE: We recommend that you use our Bulk Request GDPR consent feature to capture consent for all your existing Talent pool candidates. 

Tracking GDPR consent status for a candidate

Freshteam allows you to smoothly track the consent status of a candidate through an attribute called Consent Value. 

The Consent Value of a candidate can take any of the following values:

  1. Consent requested - This will be the status of the candidates to whom you have requested consent. Freshteam will automatically anonymize the data for the candidates who have not given their consent on the day it expires.

  2. Consent not requested - This will be the status of the candidates to whom you have not requested consent. Freshteam will automatically anonymize the data for the candidates who have not given their consent on the day it expires. This will be the default status of all old candidates in the talent pool.

  3. Consent granted - This will be the status for candidates who have granted consent. Freshteam will retain their candidate data.

  4. Consent denied - This happens when the candidate denies consent. Freshteam will anonymize all candidates who have not given their consent on the day it expires.

  5. Consent not required - This occurs when the lead has other active applications.

Freshteam will retain their candidate data. 

Here is how you can check the consent status of a candidate

  • Go to Recruitment > Recruit from the left menu in the dashboard.

  • Click on the Talent Pool tab. 

  • Click on the candidate name to whom you want to send the consent request. This will open the candidate profile. 

  • Scroll down the left part of the candidate profile to see the GDPR consent status. 

You can also see and export the entire list of candidates by GDPR consent status. Here are the steps.

  • Go to Recruitment > Recruit from the left menu in the dashboard.

  • Click on the Talent Pool tab. 

  • Click on the Filter options icon towards the top right corner.

  • Scroll down in the modal that opens and click on +Add more, and click on the GDPR Consent Status option.

  • Select the status by which you want to filter. 

  • Click on the Apply button at the top.

  • Now you see the list of candidates filtered by status. You can select them all and take bulk actions as per your requirements. 

Setting the Consent expiration period

Even after getting explicit consent from candidates to store their data in the talent pool, you are expected to delete their PII data after a finite period of time. This period is called the consent expiration period. 

After the consent expiration period is over, the PII data of the respective candidates is automatically anonymized. 

Here is an article that tells you how to set the consent expiration period.