As soon as someone from your recruiting team adds a new candidate to a particular job, they become the owner of the candidate, they can also add followers to the candidate to have more eyes on the process. 

Where can you see the owners and followers of a candidate? - In the Candidate's 360 profile. 

  1. Go to Recruit > Candidates. 
  2. Choose the candidate whose information you want to see and their 360 info will open up. Refer to the image below. 

3. Here, under followers, you can choose to add followers to the candidate with the Add icon

4. Choose the Bell icon to add yourself as a follower. 

What are the capacities of an owner and a follower? 

Candidate OwnerCandidate Followers
The candidate owner will run all activities related to the candidate - scheduling interviews, sending emails, moving across stages, rejecting, moving candidates to another job, etc.

A follower will be notified of what's happening with the candidate. They will not be able to schedule interviews or perform actions like the owner.  (Ps: Depending on the roles within the job hiring manager/panel member - the person will be able to do actions if needed)

Hope this helps, we wish you to find your next best talent. Happy Recruiting :) 

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