Applicable to Employees

Hello there, been seeing a new entry in your accrual summary? Do not worry, nothing is happening. 

Your company's HR software, ie, us, Freshteam has made a few updates to the way time off balances are calculated and retrieved. This is not a simple update, this is going to help your organization, and many organizations out there have advanced reporting capabilities that is easy and scalable. As part of this update, we are doing some changes and corrections which led to the message you see right in the image above. 

However, we understand this is not what you want to know, you are probably wondering, 

Has my timeoff balance gone through any changes? Do I lose or gain more timeoff days? Am I moved to a new timeoff policy or mapped to a different holiday calendar? 

The answer to all those questions is NO. There is absolutely no impact on the employees front from this update, you can carry on with your day, peacefully. 

We hope you have a good one, 

Stay safe, 

Team Freshteam.