Accessible to everyone except Employee and Hiring Manager.
If you’re hiring for the same position across multiple teams, you might find yourself in the position of settling disputes between different hiring managers over the same candidate profile.
If this sounds familiar, you can save yourself some time when you add people to the hiring team, by restricting the candidate profiles they can view. You can do so by setting the access of the hiring team to “Restricted”. Now, any candidate added to the job is only visible to the recruiter. The recruiter can give access to the hiring manager or panel members by adding them as followers to a candidate. This way, the recruiter stays in control of who has access to every single candidate at any point in time.
Adding a follower to a candidate profile
1. Go to the Candidate 360 page and click on the "+" icon in the bottom right corner to add followers.
Adding a follower to multiple candidate profiles
1. Go to the job in which you want add the follower.
2. Choose the candidates you want and select the Bell Icon to add a followers or followers.
Note: Any employee with recruiter/above privileges has access to all candidates in a job irrespective of the “Restricted Access” setting.