With Freshteam's comprehensive Time Off Statement, you can easily get a detailed view of all your Time Off events, balances, accruals, lapsed Time Off, and more, across your different Time Off types.


Accessing your Time Off Statement

Here are the simple steps to access your Time Off Statement

1. Go to Time Off > My Time Off option from the left menu. 

2. Click on the View Statement button at the top right side of the screen. 

3. A screen would slide in showcasing your Time Off Statement. 

Understanding your Time Off Statement

Your Time Off Statement has a Time Off Type dropdown field that comprises different Time Offs that are available for you, based on your organization's policy. 

Each Time Off Type comes with various details pertaining to employees' Time Off. The new Time Off statement encapsulates the information around every Time Off event that defines an employee's Time Off. 

Different Time Off events are described below:

  • Accruals Credited: Event which corresponds to Time Off that an employee has earned but not yet used. This time off is then carried over to the next year or is paid out when an employee leaves the company. As a company, how many days are allowed to be carried forward is made of several combinations of teams, departments, regions, and so on. Freshteams’ Time Off statement and its details make it easy for employees to view their Time Off and how accruals work based on their respective policies.  
  • Time Off Lapsed: Event that corresponds to Time Off that got lapsed due to exceeding the max cap on the Time Off type. The capping on Time Off Type can be defined while creating the policy. Similarly for Time off lapsed, through the Time Off statement and its details, employees can look through, how the policy accommodates lapsing of Time Off
  • Balance adjusted: Time Off event, through which the admin can add or deduct a Time Off balance for the employees in their company.
  • Time Off Requested: Time Off event indicating a Time Off that an employee applied for. 
  • New Policy assigned: The start of the new policy at the time of assignment of it to a newly onboarded employee or when the new policy gets applicable due to the expiration of the existing policy 

Here are different columns in the Time Off Statement. 

  • Created on: The date when the Time Off event took place (includes accruals & Lapsed Time Off event)
  • Time Off event: The type of Time Off event for which the Time Off was applied (includes accruals & Lapsed Time Off)
  • Dates Applicable: Applicable dates for which the Time off is applied/ taken
  • Days: Total days for which the Time Off was taken (includes Time Off lapsed & accruals)
  • Balance: The remaining number of days left for you for the particular Time Off type, post Time Off event.

By clicking on the View Details button at the top right of the Time Off Statement screen, you can view complete details for the selected Time Off type, as defined by your organization.

Here are the fields that you would be able to see in the Time Off Type details. 

  • Accrual Schedule: Explains the cycle of Time Off type assigned to the employee 
  • Accrual Rules: Provides information on rules that are defined while assigning Time Off to the employees.
  • Minimum Balance: What is the minimum Time Off Type that can be kept by the employee?  
  • Maximum Balance: Maximum cap on the number of days that an employee can withhold at any given point in time for a particular Time Off Type. 
  • Balance Policy: Provides information on what is the maximum amount of Time Off that can be carried forward by the employee for a given Time Off Type  
  • Additional Rules: If there are any secondary rules that are to be followed while applying for Time Off

The Time Off statement gives you a complete picture of your Time Off balance and rules so that you can plan your future Time Off applications better. 

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