Please note that the GDPR compliance automation capability is available only in Freshteam’s paid plans (Growth, Pro, and Enterprise)

GDPR compliance calls for Data Subject Consent & Right to be forgotten, which ensures candidates' rights on organization's inability to store the data in their HRMS system forever & also to anonymize the candidate's PII data whenever required. 

This is ensured in Freshteam through multiple ways: 

  1. Ensuring that your candidates view your company’s Privacy Policy while submitting their PII data.

  2. Anonymization of the candidate's personally identifiable data, once it is not in active use. This can be done in both Automated and Manual ways.

  3. Ability to send stored candidate data via email, wherever the candidate requests for the same. 

  4. Receiving explicit consent from candidates to store their data in the Talent Pool for future opportunities.

  5. Marking Custom application form questions as personal information.